2011년 11월 22일 화요일

Essay in Mr.Moon's Class

Globalization. This is what is happening all around the world. Every country is becoming similar to each other as time passes. The only factor that can make difference is creativity. Imagine that your everyday life is same and every country and place is similar. This life is not fun at all. However, with creativeness, people can make differences and life will be better.

     To begin with, creativeness gives people variations in their choices. Since humans make choices all the time, variation is needed. For example, I had to make my choice when I was picking which high school to go. If I did not have any choice, I would not be in KMLA right now. Without choice, people will have to live similar lives without any difference with others. Human being is unique one by one and thus creativeness is necessary in order to make people’s lives different from each other.

     Furthermore, as I have mentioned, the world is becoming to one. As the world becomes similar, creativeness will be much more required. For instance, as the world becomes similar, traditions and other countries’ unique systems will disappear. To prevent this from happening, people need a mind of creativeness. If people have this mind, they will always search for difference and countries will not be similar to each other. To conclude, being creative is important more than ever since world is becoming similar to each other.

     To sum up, I believe that creativeness is much more important nowadays. First, variations are needed for people to enjoy their lives. Second, the world is becoming similar to each other making countries’ unique systems disappear.

2011년 11월 13일 일요일

Review on "I Am Number Four"

This movie is basically about a boy with special power fighting for his life. He is from an outer planet and another planet's people try to kill him and his friends. There are nine special kids that were sent to Earth to come back when they are old enough to overpower the planet's threats. They can only be killed in order and three kids were killed. Now it is number four's turn to die and he fights back to live. He trains and while training he meets a girl he believes his eternal love. His race of people can only love one person throughout his life. As he falls in love with this girl, this girl becomes one of the reasons he wants to stay. Because he stays in one place, the other race hunts him down and his guardian dies trying to save him. He is furious and tries to gather other numbers to fight against the other species. Number Six comes and they fight against them and wins. They leave the place to find other numbers and the movie ends. In the criteria of story, I thought it was "so-so" since the story itself did not have a lot of impact.
As I was watching the movie, I thought it had a lot of things to think about. For one, I thought about human's love. Humans keep on changing their love unlike the one in the movie. Moreover, I imagined if I could try to keep something that is importnat even risking my life. Since I believe that this movies made me think about a lot of subjects, I believe that this movie was good.
About CG, I belive this movie had a fairly good CG since it had a lot of lasers and people flying and fireworks.
Story: 3/5

2011년 11월 6일 일요일

Stand By Me

In the story "The Body" written by Stephen King, there are four boys with different characteristics. From this, I thought about my dream after graduating high school. My dream nowadays is to go on a trip with just a bag after graduating. I want to go on a trip with just a bag around all parts of Korea with my friend. Since this story is about going on a trip to find a dead body, I thought about my dream. In order to go on a trip, I would have to plan and pack small amounts of necessities since I will bring just a bag. I believe that this sequence to the trip is very fun and I really hope to go on a trip after graduating high school.