2011년 12월 10일 토요일

Creativity. Need to use it.

When I was young, I was a leader of a robot team. As a leader, I had to think of a robot for the competition that was coming up. It took me 3 weeks to think of a robot that can fit into the standards of the competition. We started to build the robot and the day of the competition came. When it was that day, we headed to the center and we were checking if everything was alright. However, we found out that we did not bring one kit that had some important parts of the robot. We did not have enough time to head back to the center. We had to make some parts of the robot missing by ourselves. As we were heading to the competition place in the center, we were very nervous and we tried to laugh but obviously we could not. As I was thinking about the way to make parts of the robot, I told my teammates to start making robot while I make the parts. I took some steel from the center, and I cut them in pieces while reconnecting some parts to make the length perfect. We had made the robot and the result was 2nd place. Thus, I used my creativity when thinking of the robot and when making missing parts of the robot.

KMLA Friend

It was a fine autumn day. My friend was in the class, looking at the quiz score. As I was watching him, he gazed at the book and bit his lips. I just immediately knew that he did not get the score he can be satisfied. Then, the class ended and he went outside alone and started to go to the next class alone unlike him. He usually went with other guys like me but he kind of hurried and went out. Realizing there was something about him, I went after him and caught him. I told him that ruining one quiz does not ruin his life. He just hit my arm and laughed awkwardly. I kept on talking and I told him he can do better next time and just think of this quiz as getting future's bad luck right now. Then, the next word he told me made me feel shocked. He said that he does not deserve to be treated like this. Then, I told him that I do not want you to feel like that. I told him that if he wants to pay back to me, he can go to another person who is having a hard time and give that guy a boost. I just told him it is just like an economy. It just rotates, like money! After looking back what I said to him some days ago, I knew that I am now a bit more like adult. I felt very proud of myself since I thought I am now a person who can make others rely on me. From this incident, I learned that I am growing.